Combat Hospital ep. 6, "Inner Truth" - Recap

Welcome to Kandahar. Bikini tops are standard-issue.

Who knew there were so many bikini models in Kandahar? Clearly there are plenty. Perhaps the Australians' beach party expertise extends to flying in a bunch of Yvonne Strahovskis because they are ubiquitous in these establishing shots. Really, it seems the only non-bikini-model in the bunch is the poor bitch who drew the short straw and has to stand off to the side in full armour with a big-ass gun. (I mean, I'm assuming she's a lady based on the very small bit of face I can see under all that business.)

Combat Hospital ep. 5, "Hells Bells" - Recap

First off, allow me to apologize for being SUPER RIDICULOUSLY BEHIND. Being a relatively new blogger, I'm still sort of discovering the fact that maintaining a blog when it's not your full-time job is HARD.

And now, our feature presentation:
You knew something like this was coming.

Still loving the theme song

So naturally, the Unpleasantness steps all over it with her smoker's voice. It's group therapy time! A cute blond kid shares his sad feelings about how he's home less than 24 hours and can only think about getting back to Kandahar. Sounds like a very intense emotional issue, laden with emotions such as fear, anxiety, and crushing guilt; and it sounds like something a lot of people experience and yet can't bring themselves to share. An ideal topic for a group therapy session. So how does Unpleasantness react?